We invite submission of original research papers with impactful ideas that enable a holodeck. We encourage papers on emerging infrastructure using miniature drones with light sources, ground simulators, HoloTile, fast 3D printing, Bit Drones, Flying Light Specks, Roboxels, Claytronics, and others. They may include on-demand haptics, novel networking protocols, algorithms for swarm management and collision avoidance, information management, positioning systems, fault-tolerance, energy and battery management, human robot interaction and collaboration, among others. We welcome papers on topics of Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR), Extended Reality (XR), wearable computing, robots and drones for encounter-type haptics. We are particularly interested in multidisciplinary topics that span several technologies. An example is safety, security, and privacy of users. Evaluating human interaction while manipulating their spatial awareness and memory is a timely topic with many ethical questions. We strive to provide a platform to discuss these multifaceted technical and ethical challenges.
Submission Site: CMT3
The themes and topics listed below are intended to serve primarily as indicators of the kinds of data-centric subjects that are of interest - they do not represent an exhaustive list.
3D Displays
Artificial Intelligence
Augmented Virtuality
Communication and Networking Protocols
Data Management
Data Models
Drones and Robots
Drone battery/power management
Design of physical drones
Edge/Cloud Computing
Ethics of Human Interactions and Experiments
Energy and Battery Management
Extended Reality
Fast 3D Printing (Polymer Chemistry)
Fault Tolerance
Flying Light Specks
Ground Simulators
Human Computer Interface
Immersive 2D and 3D Environments
Industry 4.0 and 5.0
Interactions in Immersive Environments
Knowledge management
Localization Systems
Machine Learning
Mixed Reality
Mechanical Engineering of Devices
Physics Engines & Simulation Studies
Safety, Security, and Privacy
Social Behavior Analysis
Spatial Computing
Virtual/Augmented/Mixed/Extended Reality

Submission System: Submit your papers using the CMT3 system.*
Length: We welcome 1-2 page abstracts, short extended abstracts (2-4 pages), short papers (4 to 8 pages), and long papers (8 to 12 pages). Up to three additional pages may be added for references. The references must only contain references. Overlength papers will be rejected without review.
Paper format: Submitted papers (.pdf format) must use the provided double-column article format also available as Overleaf template.
Originality: Papers submitted to Holodecks must be the original work of the authors. They may not be simultaneously under review elsewhere. Publications that have appeared at other journals, conferences, and workshops may not be submitted to Holodecks. Scientific work that is published in a not-for-profit archive with no peer-review (, departmental technical reports, etc.) is not considered a publication. A submission must not have substantial overlap with prior publications or other work currently in review.
Author list: A submission is required to have the full and final list of its authors in the correct order. After the submission deadline, no modification to the registered author list is allowed.
Blinding: Single-blind. Only the reviewer's identity is anonymized. Please include author names and affiliations on your submitted papers.
Review Process: Each submission will be reviewed by at least three reviewers.
* The Microsoft CMT service was used for managing the peer-reviewing process for this conference. This service was provided for free by Microsoft and they bore all expenses, including costs for Azure cloud services as well as for software development and support.